Qualitative Study on Private Sector ORS-Zinc - Details

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Qualitative Study on Private Sector ORS-Zinc
  • Duration : July – August 2015

Qualitative Study on Private Sector ORS-Zinc

Theme: Health and Development

This study was commissioned by Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) and it aimed to evaluate the challenges related to the availability, pricing, and provider knowledge and behaviors associated with Oral Rehydration Salts (ORS) and Zinc in the private sector in Uganda.


It was a qualitative assessment encompassing all regions of the country. The primary focus areas of the assessment were the availability of ORS and Zinc, the pricing strategies of these medications, and the attitudes and behaviors of the providers towards them.


Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) were conducted to offer insights into the dynamics of ORS and Zinc distribution and utilization in the treatment of childhood diarrhea. This study provided an in-depth understanding of the market and healthcare dynamics surrounding ORS and Zinc in Uganda, highlighting areas for potential improvement in accessibility, affordability, and effective utilization in the private healthcare sector.