Women Economic Empowerment Outcomes in SACCOs and Saving Groups of the Project of Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas (PROFIRA) - Details

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Women Economic Empowerment Outcomes in SACCOs and Saving Groups of the Project of Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas (PROFIRA)
  • Duration : October 2021- June 2022

Women Economic Empowerment Outcomes in SACCOs and Saving Groups of the Project of Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas (PROFIRA)

This study was commissioned by Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development and funded by Gates and Melinda Foundation through CARE International in Uganda. The overall objective of the study was to determine clear women’s economic empowerment outcomes from the SACCO and Savings Groups (SG) support interventions under the PROFIRA project. Specifically, the study investigated the short-term and long-term impacts, or sustainable changes that occurred because of PROFIRA support to Rural Financial Institutions. A Pro-WEAI methodology was used to measure women economic empowerment across the PROFIRA supported SACCOs and SGs.


The study was conducted in a sample of 29 District Local Governments and involved a survey of women under Community Savings and Credit Groups (CSCGs) and SACCOs comprising a sample of 1,545 women for the survey. Focus group discussions and key informant interviews were also conducted with SACCO managers, CSCG chairpersons and district commercial officers. The study demonstrated that PROFIRA contributed to the attainment of a range of WEE outcomes through their intervention to strengthen SACCOs and /or establish CSCGs to benefit the women, and the rural communities more generally.


The study also revealed that supporting SACCOs and savings groups to build capacity, both managerial and organizational capacity, has potential to build their savings and loan portfolios and serve their members more effectively. This is thus a viable strategy for achieving women economic empowerment, particularly in rural poor areas in developing countries through financial inclusion mechanisms.


Contact person: Edton Babu Ndyabahika-Programme Manager-Livelihood

                              Phone: +256779990630/+2567557722277

                              Email: Edton.Babu@care.org